There are some great open source tools around to help us audit our application performance, for example, some great examples of these tools is Lighthouse and Page speed insights.
Out of the box, these tools are a great way to review the performance of your application but do not provide an easy way to monitor your performance over time.
Why would might want to monitor performance over time
JavaScript is getting more and more complicated and the cost of JavaScript is increasing.
If we are not monitoring our web performance, how do you know what impact our code is having on our end users.
Web performance has been linked to all sorts of key metrics for businesses:
Pinterest reduced their JavaScript bundles from 2.5MB to < 200KB and Time-to-Interactive reduced from 23s to 5.6s. Revenue went up 44%, sign-ups are up 753%, weekly active users on mobile web are up 103%.
Nikkei reduced their JavaScript bundle size by 43% and Time-to-Interactive improved by 14s.
It's hopefully obvious by now that web performance is pretty important when it comes to our applications, so you might be wondering how Garie can help you with web performance.
Why Garie was built
Garie was built with simplicity in mind and to help developers start monitoring their web performance.
Garie provides preconfigured dashboards, tooling and historic reporting to understand your applications web performance, and you can get setup within minutes thanks to the Docker architecture.